Jam Making Update - July 17, 2016

There are no stone fruits this year (no peaches, apricots or nectarines) because of the very cold snap we had early in the Spring. Consequently Joanne Wojtusiak and her many helpers are bringing back some old favorites and adding some delicious new, soon to become favorite, preserves. Sally and Bob Futh, owners of Starberry Farm in Washington, generously opened their private raspberry patch to CAS pickers, so there will be a wide variety of raspberry offerings. Rhubarb, strawberries and black currants have also been plentiful. Then last Sunday Joanne received a call from Patricia Izzo, owner of The Berry Patch in Thomaston, saying she would like to donate raspberries and black currants to the CAS jam making. Below are photos of Pat Izzo and Joanne with the donated berries.
